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You can develop with Booster using any of the following operating systems:

  • Linux
  • macOS
  • Windows (Native and WSL)

Booster Prerequisites

Install Node.js

The latest version of Booster (3.x) requires the current LTS version of Node.js which is 20.x. Booster releases with versions 2.x will only work with the previous Node.js LTS version (18.x).


For more information on upgrades between Booster v2.x.x and v3.x.x, read this page.

For more information on upgrades between Booster v1.x.x and v2.x.x, read this page.

Download the installer from Node.js website, or install it using your system's package manager.

Using Chocolatey package manager, run the following command in your PowerShell

choco install nodejs

Verify that it was installed properly by checking so from your terminal:

node -v


npm -v


As soon as you have a Node.js version higher than v14.14, and an npm version higher than 7, you are good to go. Just note that npm comes with node, you don't have to install it apart.

Alternatively, we recommend you to use a version manager for dealing with different Node.js versions:

  • nvm - Works with macOS, Linux, and Windows Subsystem for Linux
  • nvm-windows - Works with native Windows

Install Git

Booster will initialize a Git repository when you create a new project (unless you use the --skipGit flag), so it is required that you have it already installed in your system.

brew install git

Git configuration variables

After installing git in your machine, make sure that and are properly configured. Take a look at the Git configuration page for more info.

To configure them, run in your terminal:

git config --global "Your Name Here"
git config --global ""

Installing the Booster CLI

Booster comes with a command-line tool that helps you generating boilerplate code, testing and deploying the application, and deleting all the resources in the cloud. All the stable versions are published to npm, these versions are the recommended ones, as they are well documented, and the changes are stated in the release notes.

To install the Booster CLI run this:

npm install --global @boostercloud/cli

Verify the Booster CLI installation with the boost version command. You should get back something like

boost version

@boostercloud/cli/0.16.1 darwin-x64 node-v14.14.0