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Notifications are an important concept in event-driven architecture, and they play a crucial role in informing interested parties about certain events that take place within an application.

Declaring a notification

In Booster, notifications are defined as classes decorated with the @Notification decorator. Here's a minimal example to illustrate this:

import { Notification } from '@boostercloud/framework-core'

export class CartAbandoned {}

As you can see, to define a notification you simply need to import the @Notification decorator from the @boostercloud/framework-core library and use it to decorate a class. In this case, the class CartAbandoned represents a notification that informs interested parties that a cart has been abandoned.

Separating by topic

By default, all notifications in the application will be sent to the same topic called defaultTopic. To configure this, you can specify a different topic name in the @Notification decorator:

import { Notification } from '@boostercloud/framework-core'

@Notification({ topic: 'cart-abandoned' })
export class CartAbandoned {}

In this example, the CartAbandoned notification will be sent to the cart-abandoned topic, instead of the default topic.

Separating by partition key

By default, all the notifications in the application will share a partition key called default. This means that, by default, all the notifications in the application will be processed in order, which may not be as performant.

To change this, you can use the @partitionKey decorator to specify a field that will be used as a partition key for each notification:

import { Notification, partitionKey } from '@boostercloud/framework-core'

@Notification({ topic: 'cart-abandoned' })
export class CartAbandoned {
public constructor(@partitionKey readonly key: string) {}

In this example, each CartAbandoned notification will have its own partition key, which is specified in the constructor as the field key, it can be called in any way you want. This will allow for parallel processing of notifications, making the system more performant.

Reacting to notifications

Just like events, notifications can be handled by event handlers in order to trigger other processes. Event handlers are responsible for listening to events and notifications, and then performing specific actions in response to them.

In conclusion, defining notifications in the Booster Framework is a simple and straightforward process that can be done using the @Notification and @partitionKey decorators.